Nonprofit Organization is in the process of purchasing an industrial warehouse property to relocate their existing operations from a leased 5,000 square feet commercial space to a proposed 8,800 square feet industrial warehouse building, including a mezzanine level, sixteen parking stalls, and about 7,200 square feet of usable outdoor space.
Loan ID | 168 |
DSCR | 1.92 |
LTV | 57.00 |
Note Rate | N/A |
Property Location | HI |
Guaranty Type | USDA |
Loan Term | 20 yrs |
Rate type | Var |
Note date | N/A |
Maturity date | N/A |
Participation Availability Amount | $313,750 |
Minimum Participation Amount | $250,000 |
Original Loan Amount | $2,510,000 |
Full Loan Documentation | Link |
Inquire | Inquire |