This company is an international renewable natural gas, renewable fuels, and byproducts company focused on the acquisition, development, and commercialization of innovative technologies that replace traditional petroleum-based products. Loan funds will be used to pay off interim financing, for construction and development of the proposed dairy digesters, working capital, and loan closing costs.
Loan ID | 167 |
DSCR | -1.22 |
LTV | 50 |
Note Rate | 5.95 |
Property Location | CA |
NAICS | 325120 |
Guaranty Type | USDA |
Loan Term | 20 yrs |
Rate type | Var |
Note date | N/A |
Maturity date | N/A |
Participation Availability Amount | $2,625,000 |
Minimum Participation Amount | $250,000 |
Original Loan Amount | $25,000,000 |
Full Loan Documentation | Link |
Inquire | Inquire |