This will be a refinancing of two existing loans to reduce annual interest expense and to reduce monthly principal payments as well as provide some working capital. The Borrower has been in continuous operation since 2004. Company was as a trusted provider in the major shale reserves in their geographic areas.
Loan ID | 182 |
DSCR | 1.29 |
LTV | 36 |
Note Rate | N/A |
Property Location | MI |
NAICS | 213111 |
Guaranty Type | USDA |
Loan Term | 15 yrs |
Rate type | Var |
Note date | N/A |
Maturity date | N/A |
Participation Availability Amount | $937,500 |
Minimum Participation Amount | $250,000 |
Original Loan Amount | $7,500,000 |
Full Loan Documentation | Link |
Inquire | Inquire |