The Borrower is the owner and Lessor of a medical office building. It is located on 0.40 acres of land owned by the Borrower is has a gross square footage of 16,535 sf. It can be thought of as consisting of three parts, the administrative space leased and used by the hospital totaling 6,762 sf, physician office space totaling 6,573 sf and outpatient rehab space totaling 3,200 sf.

The physician office space is further broken down in three parts, a specialist physician space totaling 1,200 sf, an employed physician space totaling 3,573 and a private practice physician group space totaling 1,800 sf (for a total for the three of 6,573).

Loan ID 130
DSCR 1.29
LTV 70.24
Note Rate 6.00
Property Location AL
NAICS 531120
Guaranty Type USDA B&I
Loan Term 24 yrs
Rate type Var
Note date N/A
Maturity date N/A
Participation Availability Amount $3,565,000
Minimum Participation Amount $250,000
Original Loan Amount $5,000,000
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