The borrower was formed on 01/27/2011 as a holding company for another offshore service vessel. The borrower is owned by a couple (4%) and a LLC (96%) The LLC is one of many affiliates under a larger family group of companies. The borrower is requesting $22,100,000.00 loan for the purpose of refinancing existing debt related to the original construction of an offshore service vessel and a repurpose job that is currently undergoing.
Loan ID | 116 |
DSCR | 1.23 |
LTV | 65 |
Note Rate | 4.25 |
Property Location | LA |
NAICS | 483113 |
Guaranty Type | USDA |
Loan Term | 14 yrs |
Rate type | Var |
Note date | N/A |
Maturity date | N/A |
Participation Availability Amount | $0 |
Minimum Participation Amount | $250,000 |
Original Loan Amount | $22,100,000 |
Full Loan Documentation | Link |
Inquire | Inquire |