The borrower was formed on 01/27/2011 as a holding company for another offshore service vessel. The borrower is owned by a couple (4%) and a LLC (96%) The LLC is one of many affiliates under a larger family group of companies. The borrower is requesting $22,100,000.00 loan for the purpose of refinancing existing debt related to the original construction of an offshore service vessel and a repurpose job that is currently undergoing.

Loan ID 116
DSCR 1.23
LTV 65
Note Rate 4.25
Property Location LA
NAICS 483113
Guaranty Type USDA
Loan Term 14 yrs
Rate type Var
Note date N/A
Maturity date N/A
Participation Availability Amount $0
Minimum Participation Amount $250,000
Original Loan Amount $22,100,000
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